What to know about Orange County’s Defective Medical Devices?

Injured by a defective medical device? Our experienced Orange County medical device attorney can help. Get the compensation you deserve, contact us today.
Orange County Defective Medical Device Attorney | GP

Orange County Defective Medical Device Attorney

Defective Medical Devices such as pacemakers and ventilation systems have permitted people to survive previously incurable diseases. Patients’ appreciation for these devices is paralleled by their confidence in them as well as the high costs they pay. A collapse can be devastating for the patient and his or her loved ones.

Numerous Defective Medical Devices have been recalled or contain undisclosed defects that endanger patients, but this has not been proven. Medical equipment defects may result from a design flaw, a manufacturing error, or the absence of adequate cautions and/or guidelines on the device’s labeling.

Different types of Defective Medical Devices

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that a medical device is any tool, machine, or other instrument or device that is used to diagnose, cure, treat, or protect a medical condition. They can be used by the person who needs them or by a healthcare doctor giving care. When this kind of device doesn’t do its job or breaks down, it can hurt people or even kill them.

Defective Medical Devices involve:

  • Implanted medical devices
  • Needle
  • Sedation techniques
  • Ventilators
  • Wheelchairs
  • Eyeglasses
  • Shoulder discomfort increases

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States handles responding to allegations of dangerous medical devices. They can issue consumer warnings and even issue a recall to eradicate such defective products from store shelves. In addition, they can commission studies from suppliers or manufacturers to learn additional information regarding the reported side effects of in-use medical devices.

How Defective Medical Devices the Market?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) employs the 510(k) rule to expedite the approval of Defective Medical Devices. This permits a manufacturer to offer evidence that a proposed device is “substantially equivalent” to one that has already been approved for sale. This effectively enables manufacturers to bypass the testing process. In some instances, the device to which they assert equivalence is no longer sold. Despite this, this loophole permits negligent companies to distribute medical devices to patients without first assuring their safety.

Damages by Defective Medical Devices That May Be Recoverable

Most of the time, patients who are hurt by Defective Medical Devices can claim the device’s developer, manufacturer, supplier, or any of the three.

In this kind of claim, you can request money for things like:

  • Medical bills
  • Suffered losses
  • Lost ability to make money
  • Problems with the body
  • Pain and trouble

How Do You Reach The Orange County Defective Medical Device Attorney?

Consider the possibility that you were injured by a medical device and that you can likely prove that the harm was caused by a fault in the equipment. If this is the case, hiring an Orange County Defective Medical Device Attorney who specializes in cases involving Defective Medical Devices is your best option for a successful defective medical device lawsuit against the device’s manufacturer. Therefore, it would be to your advantage to respond as quickly as possible.

During the course of our more than 40 years of combined expertise, we have been honored to be of service to the people of Los Angeles at the law firm of Garcia & Phan. We have built a solid reputation by zealously advocating for the rights of ordinary people like yourself, rather than the interests of giant businesses and mega-corps.

Call our Orange County Defective Medical Device Attorney at (714) 586-8298 if you want to learn more about your choices. We provide evaluations of your case completely free of charge, and we will only be compensated if we are successful in obtaining compensation on your behalf.


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