5 Reasons why people don’t file a Personal Injury Claim after a accident

If you have been involved in an accident that left you with injuries and would like to file a personal injury claim, there are several reasons why you might not be doing this

If you have been involved in an accident that left you with injuries and would like to file a personal injury claim, there are several reasons why you might not be doing this. This blog covers 5 of the most common reasons people don’t file a personal injury claim after an accident.

Here are 5 common reasons why people don’t file a personal injury claim:

  1. They don’t think their injuries are severe enough to warrant a claim.
    Many people don’t file a personal injury claim after an accident because they think their injuries aren’t severe enough. However, even if your injuries seem minor, you may still be entitled to compensation. For example, you may be able to recover damages for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If you’re unsure whether you have a valid claim, it’s best to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.
  1. They are worried about the cost and time involved in pursuing a claim.
    There are several reasons why people don’t file personal injury claims after an accident. The most common reason is that they are worried about the cost and time involved in pursuing a claim. They may also be concerned about the potential for a long, drawn-out legal battle. Some people don’t want to deal with the hassle of going through the claims process. Whatever the reason, it’s important to understand that options are available to help you pursue a claim if you’ve been injured in an accident.
  1. They are unaware that they are entitled to file a claim.
    Many people are unaware they are entitled to file a personal injury claim after an accident. They may think that their insurance will cover the costs of their injuries, or they may not know they can receive compensation for their pain and suffering. Others may be afraid of the legal process or may not have the time or resources to pursue a claim. Whatever the reason, it is important to know that you have options after an accident. You should consult an experienced personal injury attorney to learn more about your rights.
  1. They don’t know how to file a claim.
    One of the main reasons people don’t file personal injury claims after an accident is that they don’t know how to go about it. It can be a complex and confusing process, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the legal system. Many fear lawyer fees and other costs associated with filing a claim. Additionally, some believe that their insurance company will take care of everything, so there’s no need to involve lawyers.
  1. They are worried about retaliation from the party at fault.
    People often do not file a personal injury claim because they are worried about retaliation from the party at fault. This is a valid concern, as the party at fault may try to intimidate the injured party into not filing a claim. However, there are many ways to protect oneself from such retaliation, and the potential benefits of filing a claim far outweigh the risks.
    Thus, if you have been injured in an accident, do not let the fear of retaliation prevent you from asserting your rights and pursuing the compensation you deserve.

How does the Personal Injury Claim Process Works?

Personal injury claims involve several steps. First, finish medical therapy. After you finish treatment, your attorney will send a demand package to the individual who injured you and their insurer. If those who injured you agree to pay, your claim will be settled. Your lawyer will file a case in court if you are not compensated. Personal injury claim process:

  1. Open Up a Claim: First, file a claim with your and the other driver’s insurance. Your personal injury lawyer will help you open these claims.
  1. Complete Your Medical Treatment: During medical care, your attorney will preserve and defend your legal rights and investigate your personal injury claim to collect evidence and develop a solid case.
  1. Submit Demand package: After you finish medical treatment, your attorney will produce a demand package that explains your tale if your case goes to trial. The demand includes your treatment records, medical costs, missed earnings, and other financial losses.
  1. Settlement of Claim: A powerful demand package may lead to a good settlement, in which you and the individual who damaged you or their insurance company agree on a settlement sum. This avoids the risks of a lawsuit and trial. It would help if you never took less than your case is worth, and a qualified attorney will ensure fair compensation.
  1. Compromise of Liens: During your injury claim, liens may be placed voluntarily or involuntarily. Your attorney will negotiate a resolution with lien claimants after your case is concluded.
  1. Statute of Limitations: Even if a settlement seems likely if the statute of limitations is about to run, your attorney must file a lawsuit to protect your claim and the right to seek compensation for your injuries.
  1. Lawsuit in Court: If your claim isn’t settled, your lawyer will file a lawsuit and seek a jury trial. At trial, a jury of your peers will hear your tale and evidence and determine how many financial damages to award you (money).
  1. Arbitration mandated: Certain instances, including medical malpractice, must be decided through forced arbitration owing to a contractual agreement.
  1. Trail and Judgement: Parties may settle a legal action at any time. A trial and jury verdict and judgement will resolve the dispute if no settlement is achieved.


After being in an accident, the last thing you want to deal with is a long and stressful legal battle. Many people choose not to file a personal injury claim because they are worried that the party at fault will retaliate against them. They may also be worried about the cost of hiring an attorney and the time it will take to resolve the case. However, if you have been seriously injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Our experienced personal injury attorneys at Garcia & Phan Southern California Personal Injury Lawyer can help you navigate the legal process and protect your rights. Call us at 714-586-8298 NOW!


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