How to file a personal injury claim for a defective drug? Consult a defective drug attorney to file a claim.

Learn how a defective drug attorney can help secure your personal injury claim. From defects to health impacts, trust experts in defective drug cases.
Drug defect personal injury claim Consult a Defective drug attorney. | GP

Drug companies frequently force new medications onto the market, heavily promote their advantages, and make enormous profits. Based on an analysis from 2019 carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 20% of Americans use more than five prescription medications, and around 70% use at least one prescription medicine. These drugs extend years of excellent health and change the lives of many individuals. However, some people who take prescribed drugs with hopes of bettering their health end up getting seriously injured.  

Health issues like Heart attack, Abnormal heart rhythms, Stroke, Kidney damage, Acute liver failure, Brain infection, or even death are included in drug injuries. Californians who suffer from the negative effects of drug defects have the legal right to sue the responsible party and demand compensation. Within two years after the occurrence, they have the option to bring a claim.  Garcia & Phan Southern California’s defective drug attorney will stand up for anyone hurt by recalled and unsafe medications. We are always available to file a personal injury claim for a defective medicine, and we handle situations involving defective drugs in California.

Here’s the procedure to file a defective drug claim lawsuit by hiring an expert defective drug attorney:

  • Speak with a Faulty Drug Lawyer: To determine the viability of your case, look out for a “personal injury attorney near me”, and schedule a meeting with them to discuss your case and learn about the available legal alternatives. 
  • Medical Records: Gather data on illnesses such as strokes, heart attacks, abnormal heartbeats, kidney damage, severe liver failure, brain infections, or deaths.
  • Identify Manufacturing Firm: To find out which pharmaceutical company is responsible for the defective drug, you must take the assistance of an expert personal injury lawyer.
  • Exhibit Causality: Illustrate negligence by establishing a definite and explicit link between the harm resulting from the defective drug and the injuries incurred.
  • Document Damages: Describe the monetary, psychological, and bodily harm brought on by the faulty medication.
  • Begin a Dangerous Drug Lawsuit: By filing a personal injury claim, you can start a lawsuit against the companies that are responsible for the defective medicine.
  • Engage Defective Drug Lawyers: Work together with faulty drug attorneys to develop a compelling case by providing proof of the medicine’s risks and effects on your health.
  • Add Elements of a Defective Drug Case: Add the elements of a harmful drug case, stressing the serious outcomes, including abrupt liver failure, renal damage, heart problems, strokes, brain infections, or even death.
  • Proving Negligence: Establish carelessness by presenting evidence of the manufacturing company’s disregard for product safety.

Initiate and win the California defective drug lawsuits with the Garcia & Phan Southern California Personal Injury lawyer.

The team of Garcia & Phan Southern California’s defective drug attorneys has been addressing drug side effect claims for a long time. You may always expect prompt responses and case updates from our lawyers along with the best legal solution that may help in winning the lawsuit. We will also give you information on your case regularly. We are the destination where you can stop your search for a “personal injury attorney near me”. We help you obtain the claim settlement amount you are legally entitled to if you suffered injuries after using a defective drug in California


Have any hazardous drugs prompted you to get injured or experience serious side effects? You might be able to sue the medication maker to get your damages paid. Our defective drug attorneys Garcia & Phan at (714) 586-8298 Southern California are prepared to go over your case in further depth. To find out more about your best legal alternatives for rehabilitation and to see whether we can support you on your path, search for a “personal injury attorney near me” like us who offers a free consultation. Also, you may visit us now, and let us begin investigating your case.


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